When I was a wee person I was obsessed with elves, pixies, and yes, you guessed it Gnomes. When I was about 12 years old, my mom bought me a book about Gnomes and I think I just about "looked" it to death! Well, here is it some 32 years later and I'm thinking about Gnomes again because last month I took my great niece, Riley to see the movie Gnomeo and Juliet (very cute movie).
To celebrate the Garden Variety Gnome I created this "Gnome Junque on a Chain" necklace.
The Gnome centerpiece is a mini-digital collage I created. The necklace is layered with 20 different charms from handstamped metal to fabric leaves to leather flowers to glass and coral beads.
I still think Gnomes are cool........somethings never change!
If you are interested in purchases the "Gnome Junque on a Chain" pop on over to the
Honey Girl Studio Jewelry Shop.
Are you a bibliophile? My friend Heather is and to a certain degree I am too! (get your mind out of the gutter....a bibliophile is someone who loves to read and collect books). Heather is actually a librarian so I made her a "Book Junque on a Chain" necklace. Heather is an awesome altered artist in her own right, you can check out her blog called
Creative Solace.
The necklace measures 18 inches long and the centerpiece of it is a handmade leather bound little book! I also added an inkwell, old metal nib (don't impale yourself with it Heather!), agate beads, glass beads, metal stamped house, wooden handstamped beads, leather leaves and leather flowers.
I wish I could have taken these pics outside in natural light, these pics were taken inside with that "yellow" glow!
Here is the book open with 8 pages to write on.........you could write a tiny story....about......Gnomes!
Now for some good news even if it doesn't like it......long story short, if you follow my blog you know about my mom's Border Collie/Aussie dog named "Buddy the Wonder Dog" and you might have seen pictures on my blog of us snowshoeing during the winter months. Well, on Easter Sunday morning Buddy got hit by a car and was pretty messed up. My brother Jeff ended up taking him to the Akron Animal Hospital and they did an amazing job stitching him back together. He had two bad puncture wounds in his front leg, broken back leg (it took 10 pins and metal plate to fix that leg), some reconstructive surgery on the left side of his face (took an ear flap to graph skin on his lip) and he has 2 drain tubes sticking out of the side of his face.

Needless to say the "Budster" is not feeling so hot and he hates the giant cone collar he has to wear for another week but he's on the mend thanks to my brother (what a good guy) and the surgeons at the Akron Animal Hospital. He had his one week check up today and the Drs. said he's making great progress!