Max knew he had the best, most whimsical pumpkins in the land and would proudly display them on an old wooden bench as not to upstage their character and beauty. Why were his pumpkins so special? Simple.....he talked to them everyday. He'd spin spooky tales of far away dusty places where a lone howl or simple creak was a sinister foreshadowing that something truly scary was going to take place. Sitting for hours with his pet crow Edgar perched on his shoulder on lazy, sunny, Sunday's in late September, Max would sell his prizes and dream of planting pumpkin seeds next summer.

A picture before I put it in the wooden box.....

This shows the dimension.....

This shadowbox measures 5 inches square. Max, the pumpkins, crow and bench are raised approximately 1/2 inch from the background giving a 3-D look. The back of this piece has been signed and titled by the artist with the Honey Girl Studio circle seal. This piece will be available on the Spooky Time Jingle Marketplace on July 13. Mark your calenders to pop onto this website because it definitely has some of the most talented folk artists of our time.
If you can't wait until July 13th you can visit my All Hallows' Evening site of Halloween creations.