Monday, April 25, 2011

Junque on a Chain!

Wow, it's been almost a month since my last post!  I've been trying to get motivated to work in the studio but it's been slow going.  I've been working on a new line of jewelry for this summer's art market and I believe I'm going to call it "Junque on a Chain".  Junque on a Chain comes in different themes and no two will ever be the same.  Here's a look at "Paris Junque on a Chain".......

These necklaces are truly mixed media.  These pieces are created with any, some, or all of the following:  handstamped metal, metal charms, glass beads, acrylic beads, shrink plastic, leather, hardware, gears and just about anything that you can drill a hole in to hang!  The bead-ball necklace is thicker than the smaller ones which allows the charms to lay separately and not all clump together, consequently it hangs nicely.    My friend Tracey and I worked together on her "Steampunk Junque on a Chain" necklace, if you want to eyeball it hop on over to her blog by clicking here.
I'll be putting new Junque on a Chain necklaces later this week into the Honey Girl Studio Shop.