1. Good joint health......you never know how important your knees, hips, shoulders and elbows are until you have trouble with them! Treat them well!
2. At least 10 minutes a day to enjoy nature and think about what makes it so great or who created it's greatness.
5. Good friends to laugh with.
6. A short memory to forget all the rat bastards who did you wrong (life is too short to dwell on the "rat bastards" of this world.....don't try to understand their motives.....you never will and that's why they are "rat bastards").

I'd like to remember to wear a hat out on the boat this summer to protect me from sun damage.......maybe not this hat........it might freak out the people in the water!

Oh yah! How about that exercise thing???? You know everybody makes that commitment to exercise more in 2009 including me. I joined the gym 3 days ago and could barely raise my right arm this morning to brush my teeth or pick up a glass to drink out of because my muscles hurt! I think I need to buy a box of straws and Crest White Strips until I strengthen my noodle arms.

I'd like to do something kind of daring in 2009.......... not swallowing knives, I'm kind of attached to my uvula......but something daring. I'll have to think about this one. Any suggestions?(no knives, needles or any other sharp objects, please).

I'd like to go for a ride on a train in 2009, I've never been on a train. I've always thought there is something terribly romantic about train travel. I hope it doesn't make me motion sick and I barf....that's not romantic!