Friday, June 29, 2007

Free Fonts

I blogged about this website in January but it's so good I thought I'd mention it again.
The website is and has hundrends, perhaps thousands of free fonts you can download, unzip and put it in your font folder to use in your Word program. The fonts are amazing. My favorite is "mom's typewriter".

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Garden Renovation

These are pictures of our garden renovation. We had a raised garden with foundation stones around it and it was pretty big. We really didn't need a garden that big so we decided to down-size. Gary and I built 3 foot boxes out of black locust posts (they are not treated with any chemicals and will not rot for 70 to 80 years). They were really heavy to move.....very dense wood! With these boxes it will be much easier to harvest the veggies, easier to water, will retain the water better and we won't have to worry about rabbits eating the plant. What do you think of them? How about those tomatoes???? They were just planted a 2 weeks ago! They love this hot humid weather. We seeded with grass seed between the boxes so that it can be mowed.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Bunny Cake!

I made this for my Bunny Swap partner which is hosted by the uber-talented Deb from HopHopJingleBoo. I made it out of a paper mache box so the lid comes off. It's covered with Creative Paper Clay. The pink/yellow flowers around the outside of the cake are hand sculpted. The piping was made by shooting molding paste mixed with yellow paint through a cake decorating tip. The bunny was also made with paper clay and it has about 10 pounds of glitter on it which resembles sugar! The glitter is very hard to see in the photos. What do you think? Would you be happy to get "Flower" (that's what I named the bunny) in a swap?


Hey! It's Pontoon Tootie or Tootie's Pontoonie!

My honey and me by our boat....... it's a Misty Harbor, 18 feet long (feels like a 40 foot yacht when docking it!)
Well, I've been out of touch from Blogland as of the past week. Last week my husband and I took possession of our new pontoon boat! Yeah!!!! We docked it on Saturday after working on it all afternoon long in the hot, hot sun. Contrary to what people think, even with a new boat there is a lot of prep work. So we got it docked last Saturday with many references to Jesus as it was probably the busiest time of the day to get it off of the trailer and dock it. I've quickly discovered there are two kinds of boating people.......pontoon people and speed boat people....need I say can probably figure out the rest! Anywho, I've been down to the dock everyday since we put it in to pretty much check on it to see that it's still, not really (well, kind of). Today my best friend and I went to the News Agency and bought 2 books, Chex Party Mix and bottles of Arizona Pomegranate Green Tea and went to the boat and just sat on it without even taking it out. It was very relaxing and we had a good time feeding the ducks, talking, reading and soaking up the rays.

These are the guys who sold us our boat from S & H Marine Sales in Younstown, Ohio. Thanks Bob and John! Great service and just really nice gentlemen!This is my best friend Danielle on the boat (of course you probably already figured that one out!) ......"on the boat"....duh! Sorry, I probably just got too much sun on my head today! Doesn't she look relaxed?!?!?! She looks like the poster-girl for Misty Harbor boats!

This might be where you will find me all summer as my first docking lesson last night was less than stellar. However, I have steadfast resolve and I WILL learn to dock it!!An interesting discovery of the day.......ducks like Chex Mix! Isn't that baby duckling cute???? He stuck very close to mama!

Friday, June 15, 2007

For Jacque......

This is the back of the penant....
I have a wonderful artist friend in California who does brilliant collages and ATCs. I created this penant which measures 8in X 6in X 6in. using her Flickr icon. She is "Partyhatgirl". Go to and check out her work! It is whimsical, funny and sweet.....just like Jacque! The penant was created with decorative papers, Sugarloaf stamps, markers, glitter (who could forget the glitter????) and flat backed marbles all sandwiched between 2 sheets of glass and soldered. The collage is 2 sided so really it's 2 pieces of art in one! These little buggers are time consuming from beginning to end! But I think they are worth it, I really like how this one turned out. What do you think?

If you would like a custom penant created for your studio, please give me an email at:

Close-up of the back of the penant.....

Close-up of the flat back marbles........

Saturday, June 9, 2007

One Eye Candy!

This morning I was in "paper heaven"! I went to Hobby Lobby which has a huge decorative paper selection and as my luck had it, all of the paper was 50% off today! Yippie! Four 12 X 12 sheets for one thin dollar. Then I cruised down the road just a short jaunt to Cord Camera and Scrapbooking and "oh my" talk about your "eye candy" paper! I bought 2 sheets of paper from the company called Basic Grey. They are simply lucious! One is from the Pheobe collection and the other is from the Gypsy collection. They are so pretty I don't want to cut into them!!!! If you visit the Basic Grey website check out the gallery there. The other sheet I got is the one that looks like a quilt with 1.5 inch squares (perfect for jewelry making). I have lots of ideas ruminating in my noggin' about what to whip up with these little pretties! Oh yah!

It's pretty appropriate that I titled this "one eye candy" because I'm typing it with just one good eye! I was out trimming back the English Daisy plants and they have turned to seed which are like fuzzy little devils that fly all around. Long story, longer.......I had an allergic reaction and it's so itchy I would like to take a Brillo pad to it!!!! Well, I have to go before the Benadryl kicks in and my head hits the keyboard and I'm out cold! he,he,he


Friday, June 8, 2007

And the winner is.......

I just drew the name for the penant collage and the winner is.........................

Melissa (good name, it's mine too!) I'll be giving her an email to get her address and send the penant out. Thanks to everybody for your kind words and for entering. Check back frequently because there will be another give away in a few weeks! (I'm thinking something made with paperclay this time!)


Monday, June 4, 2007

It's a Give Away!!!

Today was the last day of school! Yippie! I won't have to return until late August. This means days of doing whatever I want to do! I love this sense of freedom and although I really like my job as a speech-language pathologist I still feel like celebrating. So, in doing so I created this soldered glass penant which measures 8 inches across and 6 inches long. I made 2 collages, one on the front and one on the back which means you get a two-fer! It's made with a copy of vintage photo, stamps, decorative paper and wall paper all sandwiched between 2 sheets of glass and soldered. The hanger is made with glass beads and pearls and has a little "dangler" on the bottom of it consisting of glass beads, a tiny silver key and a blue glass leaf. Just leave a comment with your name and I'll draw a name on Friday!

The colors are much more vibrant in real life! This pic is sort of faded out, sorry about that!

Saturday, June 2, 2007

It wasn't just my imagination........

Seeing is believing, right? To my friends.....the pontoon boat really does exist! My husband got me this pontoon boat for my 40th birthday (I know, what I guy!) and I have been talking about it since January (b-day is in Dec.). My poor friends have had to hear me talk about it every day (yes, I feel bad for them but they will feel good when they are out on the boat with me this summer) and lately I think that they think it has just been a figment of my imagination. Well, yesterday my husband stopped into the dealership and there it was still in the shrink wrap just freshly delivered! Yahoo! Yippie!!! So this morning I went to the dealership with my camera and took pictures of it. Bob was getting the motor on it and probably thought "this chick has lost her marbles!". It will go to the "Tarp Guy" who will make the custom tarp and I should get it back by next Monday (I hope). A tarp is very important as there are a lot of gulls that like to drop bombs all over the boats at the dock (not good for white/light beige seats!)

So SEE, it's true, it's true!!!!! Yes Virginia, there is a pontoon boat!
Tootie's Pontoonie